Donate your clothes to charity with reGAIN app and get exclusive disocunt coupons for your next purchases. Pack your clothes in a box or bag, create a shipping label using the app and donate your parcel directly at the charity shop for free or send it from over 25,000 drop off points covering the shipping cost. Withing 30 minutes you'll get 10 day access to exclusive discount coupon from leading retailers and your clothing donation will help raise money for charity.
How Do I Get a Coupon?
Three Easy Steps

1. Pack all your
unwanted items

2. Send your parcel
at the drop off point

3. Get access to
discount coupons
How Do I Get a Coupon?

1. Pack all your
unwanted items

2. Send your parcel
at the drop off point

3. Get access to
discount coupons
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